Sunday, September 20, 2009

Anything Else But That!

The other day I talked about teabags. Yogi tea to the rescue again! A visitor asked me how to start meditating and referred her to the black chai box with its drawings of how to meditate on it.

She also asked "Why do I always not meditate even though I want to and know it will help me a lot?" That's not a new question for me either. Although I love meditation I often want to do almost anything else except that. It's a bit like parents, for whom their child is the most precious thing, wanting it to go to bed and be out of their way.

Anyway, for those embarking on their rocky road of zen (meditating and working with a real life accredited teacher) they will eventually come, maybe after a life time of practice, to a place where they just enjoy their life and don't feel guilty any more about it.

So no wonder we just keep going on with our ordinary human existence.


  1. Dear Genshin,

    Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts on these pages... I'm so happy to have found you again. I have not sat these past few years; my first years as a mother. What a great metaphor about the loving parent who can't wait for the child to fall asleep! How many hours have I spent wishing he'd fall asleep so I would have time for myself; and at the same time I never leave him. I've never left my sitting practice, and yet I have... I can't say what will happen next. Right now I only want to say I am very grateful to still have you here as an inspiration... Thank you.

  2. This analogy made me smile! I wish I could show you my smile right now, "It's a bit like parents, for whom their child is the most precious thing, wanting it to go to bed and be out of their way." What do people say at little white Churches, "It's so TRUE!" :)

    When you said this, "they will eventually come, maybe after a life time of practice, to a place where they just enjoy their life and don't feel guilty any more about it." I felt the perpetual energy of the Zen framework-- how the Dharma itself is not only in constant motion but shapeshifting in our minds, hearts and lives. There are myriad ways for the Dharma to manifest. The possibilities alone are infinite and because of this limitless practice, you are right, No guilt! Authentic expression.

    *Still in AWE over you.
